Event Details
EventID: : 94
Event Time: : June 13, 2021, 4:23 p.m.
Rule: : SOC147 - SSH Scan Activity
Level: : Security Analyst
Source Address :
Source Hostname : PentestMachine
File Name : nmap
File Hash : 3361bf0051cc657ba90b46be53fe5b36
File Size : 2.82 MB
Device Action : Allowed
Let’s take a look the activity and investigate what happened.
After download the file that is given in case details, we can get nmap
ELF file. It’s executable and I thought that I had to find out what happend in background. In Endpoint Security pane, I found the host and checked the network connections. There is an nmap scanning command which is
nmap -sC -sP
After seeing that, my answer to the first question is Other
The second is that malware quarantined/cleaned?
I invastegated the activity in LogManagement panel and saw that there are several ssh scanning activity that comes from PentestMachine host, so the answer can be not quarantined
By uploading file to Virustotal, we can check that the file is malicious or not. Virustotal flagged the file as non-malicious
That’s all.