Event Details
EventID: 76
Event Time: March 14, 2021, 7:15 p.m.
Rule: SOC137 - Malicious File/Script Download Attempt
Level: Security Analyst
Source Address:
Source Hostname: NicolasPRD
File Hash: f2d0c66b801244c059f636d08a474079
File Size: 16.66 Kb
Device Action: Blocked
Getting into case made me little bit confused but after, I handled it. First, I investegated the case that what happened in the background. I installed the zip file which is given at the beginning and extracted it. We’ve a document file which is flagged as malicious by 28 security vendor on Virustotal. I decided to look into endpoint management and saw that there are suspicious powershell commands. Also, the Virustotal result shows us the file behavior, as well. It tries to download a file from remote file server. The encrypted command I saw in the command line history could be this one. So, I answered the first question as Other
There is a process that is created via powershell and log management says the IP address makes a succesful request to the remote server. The second question is Not quarantied
We can see that there are different ip addresses which communicate with malicious file. Unless, there is no request to them. The 3rd question is Not Accessed