Event Details
EventID: : 88
Event Time: : April 4, 2021, 11:10 p.m.
Rule: SOC141 - Phishing URL Detected
Level: Security Analyst
Source Address
Source Hostname MarkPRD
Destination Address :
Destination Hostname : nuangaybantiep.xyz
Username : Mark
Request URL : http://nuangaybantiep.xyz
User Agent : Mozilla - Windows
Device Action : Allowed
Let’s begin to investigate the case.
By filtering destination IP address in the Log Management section, there is a HTTP GET
request to mentioned URL in the above. The URL looks like harmless. However, destination IP address is flagged as malicious
by Comodo Valkyrie.
More details about the action;
When was it accessed? Apr, 04, 2021, 11:10 PM
What is the source address?
What is the destination address?
Which user tried to access? MarkPRD
What is User Agent? Chrome - Windows
(It’s defined as Mozilla but process list shows that there is a chrome.exe )
Is the request blocked? Nope